The Truffle of the sea, or ‘Venus Verrucosa’ prefers sandy sea beds which are muddy and full of debris it can hide in. By breathing through special ‘traps’ and simply ...
Our seafoods
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Baby squid
It belongs to the Loliginidae family or to that of the cephalopods shellfish Scientific description: Alloteuthis Media It can be fished all year round, but autumn is the most prolific season. It ...
Common bobtail squid
It is a shellfish living in the Adriatic Sea in infinite quantity divided into particular specimens reproducing, alternately, in spring and autumn. Scientific description: Rossia Macrosoma The ...
Raja Clavata
Scientific name: Raja Clavata There are two types of this species known by the name of common skate and thornback ray or nasturtium. The species lives in all seas. Some species of ray spend their ...
Blue fish is one of the most widespread in the Mediterranean Sea, needle-fish combines its excellent nutritional qualities with a great accessibility due to its low cost. Scientific description: ...
Grooved carpet shells
Grooved carpet shell or Tapes Semidecussatus is one of the most used shellfish to cook traditional Italian dishes This bivalve lives in colonies, usually in shallow waters, under the sand at ...