The Truffle of the sea, or ‘Venus Verrucosa’ prefers sandy sea beds which are muddy and full of debris it can hide in. By breathing through special ‘traps’ and simply ...
Our seafoods
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Sea snails or “maruzzelle”
Nassa Mutabilis They generally live in shallow waters, mainly hidden on sandy bottoms, not going below 20 meters and are widespread in the Mediterranean. The baby snails are consumed mostly by ...
Cancer Pagurus
Scientific description: Cancer Pagurus Most of the specimens in our seas, are caught in the Venetian lagoon and are typically smaller than those that live in the ocean. There are particular ...
Baby squid
It belongs to the Loliginidae family or to that of the cephalopods shellfish Scientific description: Alloteuthis Media It can be fished all year round, but autumn is the most prolific season. It ...
Queen scallop
The queen scallop is a mollusc which is very common in the upper Adriatic area. Scientific classification: Chlamys varia. Habitat The queen scallop lives at depths of around 12 to 30 metres and ...