Our seafoods

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Sea bass

Sea bass

The “Dicentrarchus Labrax”, commonly known as sea bass, belongs to the “Moronidae” fish family. It mainly lives in mild and shallow waters, often near the shores. ...

Ostrea edulis

Ostrea edulis

This marine species lives on the seabed, on the coasts of the northern Adriatic Sea. They are able to live anchored to the rocks at a depth of 40 metres, or resting on the mud. They generally ...

Tiny clams

Tiny clams

“Bibarasse” or tiny clams Tiny clams, called in Venetian “bibarasse”, are shellfish belonging to the Veneridae family, they look like medium-sized clams. Scientific ...



Hake is a saltwater fish living on the bottom of the Adriatic Sea, where it is caught by trawl nets or long-lines. Its body can reach 130 cm in length and 15 kg weight. Scientific description: ...



Blue fish is one of the most widespread in the Mediterranean Sea, needle-fish combines its excellent nutritional qualities with a great accessibility due to its low cost. Scientific description: ...

Cancer Pagurus

Cancer Pagurus

Scientific description: Cancer Pagurus Most of the specimens in our seas, are caught in the Venetian lagoon and are typically smaller than those that live in the ocean. There are particular ...

Shore crabs with roe

Shore crabs with roe

Shore crabs with roe are shellfish, they are female crabs and are very widespread in the Venetian lagoon and fished in the area. Scientific description: Carcinus Aestuarli These shellfish live on ...

The cockle

The cockle

The cockle or donax trunculus lives in large colonies near the seagrass beds of Posidonia. It prefers sandy seabeds and depths of more than ten metres. It buries itself a few centimetres below ...

Baby cod

Baby cod

Scientific description: Trisopterus Minutus This fish species mainly lives in the Adriatic Sea and it can be found very often in large herds. They live at a variable depth near the shore or on ...

Baby squid

Baby squid

It belongs to the Loliginidae family or to that of the cephalopods shellfish Scientific description: Alloteuthis Media It can be fished all year round, but autumn is the most prolific season. It ...
