The Italian name for spiny crab, “granseola” derives from the Venetian “granso” (crab) and “seola” (onion). It’s a shellfish, the biggest kind of crab in ...
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Raja Clavata
Scientific name: Raja Clavata There are two types of this species known by the name of common skate and thornback ray or nasturtium. The species lives in all seas. Some species of ray spend their ...
Octopus vulgaris
Octopus vulgaris or common octopus It favours living in rocky and rich subsoil in inlets, where it can hide to escape from predators. It is also fished in the more temperate areas of the ...
Squilla mantis
Scientific name: Squilla Mantis. It’s a crustacean that can grow up to a maximum length of 20cm. There are widely found in the Mediterranean Sea, but mainly in the Adriatic Sea. The Squilla ...
Baby squid
It belongs to the Loliginidae family or to that of the cephalopods shellfish Scientific description: Alloteuthis Media It can be fished all year round, but autumn is the most prolific season. It ...
Blue fish is one of the most widespread in the Mediterranean Sea, needle-fish combines its excellent nutritional qualities with a great accessibility due to its low cost. Scientific description: ...